Squad Super League

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Squad Setup

Is it mandatory for all the squads in Etiqa or SP6 to join?

No. Mandatory, only if you’re interested to win some awards!

How should the squad be setup?

The squad members are self selecting, and your squad members can be from one department or many departments. There is also no limitation to the squad size. Just hope everyone contributes something. However, ideally, squads are between 6 – 10 people.

Can we change the squad member at any time of the commencement of Squad Super League?

Yes. Squad Super League does not track the squad membership. However, the squad needs to inform us who should get the reward at the end of this program.

Can we be in multiple squads at the same time?

No. For now, each person can only be part of one squad.

Must the squad and members be registered in Connectiqa?

No. Although it’s good that your squad is formalised in Connectiqa for your annual target setting, but for the purpose of this League, your Squad (and members) is whatever you submit to us.

Is this Super League open to Maybank staff (i.e. can I include squad members from other Maybank group entity)?

Yes, its is open to Maybankers (both permanent & contract staff), whether in Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia or Philippines. However if you squad consist of Maybankers, you will need to “manually” redistribute the reward amongst squad members.

Event Related

What does it mean by "culture of experimentation"?

Culture of experimentation means creating a habit of trying things out, and learning, many many times and quickly. Instead of spending a long time debating and trying to come up with the “best” solution.  Don’t spend a lot of time debating ideas, opinions and theories, and proposing all kinds of solutions. Only actual data counts, not opinions.

Also avoid (1) being emotionally attached to an idea, and ending up being defensive, not willing to accept new ideas (2) celebrating a “go-live” or “launch” instead of focusing on the outcome or impact (3) not getting feedback to continuously improve.

Is the Squad Super League specific for new experimental projects or relevant to current running project?

It is open to any squads with existing initiatives or new. However, the purpose is to encourage projects to have multiple MVPs to achieve the overall goal. So, if you are part of an existing “large” project, figure out how you can cut them up into smaller MVPs, to test various parts of the big project.

When the Squad Super League ends in August, will there be another round?

This League is also an experiment. If it works, we will repeat (with adjustments of course). If it doesn’t work, we will figure out why, and maybe try again.

If the squad member has something the clarify, who should he/she contact?

Squad member can contact Mr. Mufis ([email protected]) or Mr. Amran ([email protected]). Alternatively, they can fill the inquiry form as provided in the Squad Super League website.


What is an MVP?

A Minimum Viable Product is something that you can launch (product, feature, process, function, comms etc.) that will achieve a certain goal (to solve a problem, to speed things up, to improve experience, to sell more, create value etc.). It is “small”, incremental in nature and designed based on previous experiences.

How would the squad be reviewed? Based on what criteria?

The squad is reviewed by (1) The number of MVPs launched and measured (2) Are lessons being learnt or insights gathered for the next MVP? (3) Are agile practices being followed – with the right intent (4) If they meet their overall goal.

On the initial review phase, how would En Kamal & relevant SMC review our overall goal? Do we present/pitch to them?

En Kamal will do an off-line review first. If required, the squad will be invited to present.

Do I have to submit all my MVPs at the beginning?

No. You only need to submit MVPs as you progress. During the 3 months, you may ideate more new MVPs that you did not think of at the start, based on the outcome of earlier MVPs.

Do we need to get each MVP approved, by who?

No. However, every time you submit a new MVP, the SSL team will give immediate feedback if there’s any adjustments/changes required.

What do you mean by additional MVPs? Does it mean the squad can submit more than 5 MVPs?

Yes, the squad can “submit” more than 5 MVPs. However, an MVP is considered submitted only if it is deployed to the intended users and builds on top of the previous MVP.

If a squad decides to stop participating during this program, is that OK?

Yes, there is no penalty or punishment if a squad decides to stop…. although we hope that you don’t!

Is the requirement is to deploy each MVP in 2 weeks? If squad deploy multiple MVPs together within 3 months (in 1 deployment), does that still counts?

No, you are not required to strictly launch every 2 weeks. But the MVPs should be launched and measured one after another. It should be a string of MVPs.

What if squad currently running a MVP (just launched), can squad register & proceed to create more MVP within it?

Yes, they may. Squad iterate their MVP based on the learnings and improvements captured from the previous MVP.

Can a squad cancel an MVP mid-way?

Yes, please inform the SSL team that an MVP is being cancelled.. This is important so that you are not unfairly penalised for not submitting the MVP outcome data.

I'm still not clear about MVPs, and what is expected. Who can help my squad?

Sure, the SSL team would be happy to spend time to coach you. Contact Mr. Mufis at ([email protected]) or Mr. Amran Hassan ([email protected]) at any time and we can arrange for a discussion.

Is the overall criteria measuring behaviour of squad member or behaviour of the user of MVP?

It is measuring the MVPs launched, measured and adjusted, practising agile in it’s true intentions. So, it is the behaviour of the overall squad, not the user.

How do you know we are adhering to the Agile principles & practices?

The SSL committee will conduct random spot checks on your squad, by attending your sprint planning, sprint reviews, DSUs and retrospectives.

In the closing of super league, it seems that each squad need to submit a report. What format would the report look like?

The format is open. However, the following information must be provided:

  • What is the overall squad goal and one thing to be measured,
  • What is the baseline and goal,
  • A weekly chart showing the the actual achievement,
  • List of MVPs deployed and indicators, and
  • A weekly chart of the indicator measured for each MVP – note that there is no target for each MVP. Only the overall squad goal is important to the Super League.

More details will be provided closer to the end of the League.

Is this open to all countries ?

Yes, but monetary rewards for participants outside Malaysia may be replaced due to policy reasons.


How to track the MVPs progress?

MVP progress is not tracked. What will be observed are (1) Are DSU’s being run (2) Has the MVP been launched to the users (3) Are data being gathered and analysed.

If the squad missed one submission but the other MVPs are successfully submitted, does it mean the squad will be expelled?

After an MVP, data must be gathered and submitted weekly. If this is missed, then the squad will be expelled. However, if the Squad declares that the MVP results have shown enough “proof” to decide the next action, then they may stop sharing the data as they work on the next MVP.

The focus is on continuously measuring the impact of each MVP. If submission stops for no reason, it means the impact is not being actively measured, and therefore the squad is not living the experimental way.

If the squad is expelled, does this mean the squad doesn't have to submit anything during the tracking phase anymore?

Yes, if a squad leaves the Super League, they do not have to submit anything anymore.

If the first MVP 1 was a success and MVP 2 there was no submission, do we still need to participate in the next or rest of MVP?

You will not be awarded if you only launched 1 MVP (even if it was successful). You need to continually try something new.

Where can we view the tracking/progress/who's leading?

In the Super League website. However, every successful Squad will be rewarded. It is not a competition between squads.

How does the Squad being measured and how/where can the Squad see the feedback?

The squad will be measured by how diligent the data is submitted every week, and if they are truly practicing agile. This is done through random “spot-checks” on their Sprint Planning, DSUs, Reviews and Retros.

Will each of squad member will be measured individually?

No. The League only measures the performance of the Squad.


When will the rewards being paid to the winners?

For staff with Band G & below, payment to be made immediately during salary cycle of the particular awards month. Whereas for Band F & above, payment to be made during the next bonus cycle.

How the rewards payment being split? Are they being paid to the squad lead or directly to each squad members?

The reward can only be paid to Etiqa staff. Therefore, it will be split evenly between each Etiqa staff. However, if your squad consist of Maybankers or Contractors, you will need to “manually” redistribute amongst squad members

Is there a limit to how much a squad can win ?

The limit per squad is RM15,000. However, there is a limit of RM2,000 per Etiqa staff.

The amount varies as it is subject to the Squad Super League committee’s decision based on the goals achieved by squads.